Rachel Pohl

Picture of Rachel Pohl

Rachel Pohl is an artist, adventurer, humanitarian, and environmentalist. Rachel paints acrylic landscapes, giant mountain murals, and little watercolors from her explorations throughout the backcountry of Montana. She loves hiking her acrylic paints around in the summer months as much as being cozy in her studio in the winter.

Rachel’s detailed and meticulous paintings are a reflection of who she is. She works to fill each and every day with a determination to do more, be kinder, help our planet, create, treat her body well, and smile as much as possible. She loves empowering others, especially women, and encouraging them to get outside and out of their comfort zones. She wants everyone to do that which makes them glow, because as Rachel says, we will all be better at facing life and treating ourselves and others as kindly as possible. Rachel also loves sharing her view of this planet through her art.

You can learn more about Rachel by following her on Instagram or visiting her website.