Stress Is Sabotaging Your Health—And How Self-Care Can Save You

Let’s talk about stress. I mean, we all know what it feels like, right? Sometimes it’s this looming dark cloud hanging over us, and other times it’s more subtle, like an annoying low hum you can’t quite shake. Stress sneaks in, whether it’s from work, family stuff, or just the whirlwind of keeping up with life. And while a little bit of stress can give us that push we need (like when you’ve got a deadline and suddenly you’re a superhero), too much of it—especially when it sticks around—can take a serious toll on our health.

They call stress the "silent killer" for a reason. It doesn’t hit all at once—it creeps up on you, showing up in small, manageable ways until suddenly, it’s anything but manageable. Over time, chronic stress doesn’t just mess with your mood; it takes a swipe at your whole body. There’s research that shows long-term stress weakens our immune system, leaving us more prone to everything from pesky colds to more serious infections. But that’s not all—it also hikes up our chances of developing heart disease and high blood pressure.

At the center of it all? That hormone cortisol, often called the "stress hormone." In small doses, cortisol is actually super helpful. It’s what kicks in our fight-or-flight response when we’re in a pinch. But when we’re always stressed and those cortisol levels are consistently high, it’s a whole different story. Suddenly, we’re dealing with weight gain, exhaustion, trouble concentrating, and oh yeah, it messes with our mental health too. Stress is closely tied to anxiety, depression, and sleep disorders. No wonder the World Health Organization has dubbed stress one of the major health crises of the 21st century!

Okay, now that I’ve hit you with all the doom and gloom, let’s talk about the good news—because there is good news. You can do something about stress. And here’s the best part: it’s simpler than you might think. It’s all about self-care.

Now, when I say self-care, I’m not talking about those Instagram-perfect spa days (though, if that’s your jam, go for it!). Self-care is really about tuning into your needs—physically, emotionally, mentally—and taking action to meet them. It can be as simple as a walk outside, setting time aside for yoga, saying “no” to yet another obligation, or giving yourself permission to rest. It’s about being intentional and taking back control. Research backs this up—things like mindfulness, exercise, and connecting with the people you love can seriously lower stress, boost your mood, and just make life feel a little more manageable.

Self-care works because it interrupts the stress cycle. When we take time for ourselves, even in small ways, it lowers cortisol levels and gives our nervous system a break. It’s not just a mental reset—it’s a physical one too. Studies have shown that self-care can reduce inflammation and lower the risk of chronic conditions like heart disease. Think of it like hitting the pause button on life’s chaos and giving yourself a well-deserved reboot. And here’s the thing: self-care doesn’t need to be complicated. It’s not about grand gestures; it’s about making it a regular part of your life, even when everything else feels like it’s moving at 100 miles per hour.

Now, let’s say you’re feeling completely overwhelmed, and a quick walk or a few minutes of meditation isn’t cutting it. That’s when it might be time to think about stepping away completely. A retreat, my friend, might be just what you need. And if you’re looking for a space designed for reconnection and restoration, Big Raven Farm has got you covered.

One of our favorite events coming up is the Pick Your Project Retreat in October 2024. No pressure, no experience needed—just a weekend to dive into something creative. Whether you’re a crafting pro or someone who’s never touched a scissors and glue, this retreat is for you. The only requirement? A willingness to let go and unwind.

But it’s not just about the projects—although they’re definitely a huge part of the fun. It’s about giving yourself a space to step away from the noise, reconnect with who you are, and rediscover joy in something simple. Imagine this: sitting by a cozy fire, sipping a warm cup of tea, completely immersed in a creative flow. Or maybe you’re wandering through the beautiful, peaceful landscape that surrounds Big Raven Farm. This is your time to unplug, let the worries melt away, and just be.

And hey, there’s science to back this up! Crafting and creative activities have been shown to lower stress. When we engage in something that involves our hands and focuses our minds, it’s like a mini-vacation for the brain. 

You stop overthinking and stay grounded in the present moment. By the time you leave, not only will you feel rejuvenated, but you’ll have a handmade project to take home with you—a tangible reminder of the time you gave back to yourself.

Here’s the thing: self-care is for everyone. It doesn’t matter if you’re new to it or if it’s been part of your life for years—what matters is that you make it a priority. That’s why retreats like this are such a beautiful opportunity. They’re open to all, no matter your experience level. It’s simply a chance to step away, take a breath, and focus on you.

In a world that never seems to stop moving, taking time for yourself isn’t a luxury—it’s essential. Whether it’s carving out a few minutes for daily meditation, spending a weekend at a retreat, or finding small moments to breathe throughout the day, self-care is what helps us keep stress from running the show. And let me tell you, the benefits are so worth it.

So, if you’ve been feeling the weight of the world on your shoulders, maybe it’s time to give yourself the gift of self-care. It’s one of the best things you can do for your mind and body. And if you’re ready for a real reset, we’d love to have you at Big Raven Farm in October for a weekend that’s all about slowing down, recharging, and being kind to yourself. 

We’re hosting two Pick Your Project Art Retreats in October (October 17–20 and October 24–27), so you can choose the date that works best for you—or join us for both if you really need that extra time to unwind. 

You deserve it.

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