By Joleen
Ten Simple Ways to Practice Self-Care
I don’t know about you, but I am S-T-R-E-S-S-E-D. I’m swamped at work, my home is a mess, and all of my friends and their kids keep having birthdays, so I’ve spent significantly more time around clowns than I ever thought possible. But of course, whenever my schedule gets too full to handle, the very first thing to get removed is anything related to my own self-care. When so many other things need to get done, taking time for yourself feels kind of selfish, right? Well friend, I’ve gotta tell you something, and I want you to say it with...
Why We Hide Our Logo

For the past 15 years my yoga mat has become the place where I can freely express myself. It serves as my foundation. It’s the geographic boundary inside of which I can stretch my mind — and body, literally — and practice being deliberate and non-judgmental.
However, I’ve found myself becoming increasingly distracted by labels and logos on the mats of fellow yogis. I find myself snapping to quick judgements about how much this or that cost, wondering why people waste their money on low-quality mats, or even noticing something unique and new and wondering where they got it…
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