Quotes are social media sharing sensations. Cheesy, funny, insightful, motivational or profound--all types and flavors of quotes pass through our social media feeds.
We've done zillions at Big Raven Yoga and we love creating them--we love it, even more, when our followers enjoy what we've created and share them with others.
I love the quick little bites of insight that make me laugh, remind me to be grateful or challenge a place where my thinking is stuck.
Right now, I especially appreciate quotable little nuggets. My brain feels too full to absorb much more than a sentence or two.
When our days are uncertain-- when our new-normal changes daily-- when we observe or participate in painful-life changing realities...these small little bites offer a little soothing balm to our emotions.
We've chosen 13 quotes from our Big Raven Yoga social feed that just might help you feel better.
Some of these quotes suggest emotions or behaviors that might feel impossible right now.
What's helping me is to think more about the perception rather than a specific action. The thirty-foot view instead of the view right in front of my nose.
For example our first quote, "Don't wait for everything to be perfect before you decide to enjoy your life."
With the current pandemic and the state of our world, there are days when it seems impossible to "enjoy my life."
I'm afraid, I'm worried, I am at times extremely overwhelmed.
Darin is heading to the grocery store right now and I kissed him goodbye like it was the last time I would see him. Charlie asked to go on a bike ride with friends and toss around the football-it was a lengthy negotiation and a discussion about safety and distance... and sorry no football.
Our new normal changes by the day sometimes by the hour--it's a lot.
It is just so many a lots.
As I read the first quote again, I'm reminding myself of things I already know. I don't have control over any of this-- I only have control over how I react to it. So I'm taking my little quotable nugget this way:
This is what I'm enjoying in my life right now, today.
My morning coffee was delicious.
The sun is shining today.
I took a long hot bath and tried to calm my fears.
Right now the ways I "enjoy my life" are simple... but I'm trying to do it. I feel like it's the right thing for me to do right now as I have the privilege of currently being a healthy Covid free person.
I hope these quotes provide a little balm and soothe what's aching for you as they have for me.
All my love,
1. "Don't wait for everything to be perfect before you decide to enjoy your life."

(Who is Joyce Meyes find out here)
2. "When a person really desires something, all the universe conspires to help that person realize their dream."

(Who is Paulo Coelho find out here)
3. "Your life does not get better by chance, it gets better by change."

(Who is Jim Roth find out here)
4. "We must accept finite disappointment, but we must never lose infinite hope."

5. "With the new day comes new strength and new thoughts."

(Who is Eleanor Roosevelt find out here)
6. "Life is measured in love and positive contributions and moments of grace."

(Who is Carly Fiorina find out here)
7. "You are enough. Just as you are. Exactly as you are. Exactly. With exactly that body & exactly that mind. Exactly as you are right now.""

8. "Kindness keeps the universe fastened into place."

(Who is Maureen Joyce Connolly find out here)
9. "Do something today that your future self will thank you for."

10. "You do not need to seek freedom in a different land, for it exists with your own body, heart, mind, and soul."

(Who is B.K.S. Iyengar find out here)
11. "Inner peace begins the moment you choose not to allow another person or event to control your emotions."

12. "The quieter you become, the more you can hear."

13. "Your soul is your bestfriend. Treat it with care, nurture it with growth, feed it with love."

(Who is Ashourina Yalda find out here)