This week’s yogi highlight (our 24th!) is Sara Schultz. Sara is sunshine — not just the brightness that comes from the sun, but its energy and brilliance too! Sara has contagious optimism and demonstrates full-bodied support for those around her. She is a serial entrepreneur and, like me, can come up with a million uses for a paperclip. Having a cup of coffee with her is magic — the ideas are like the sound of popcorn in the microwave when it really gets cooking! Sara’s disparate businesses are representative of her many talents: (brand consulting), ThisFem™ (feminist apparel), and The Merry Hour® (small business collaboration events). Each one is a representation of her vision, passion, and brilliant direction. We’re thrilled to shine a light this week on this amazing yogi. I learn from her every time I listen, and I’m sure you will too!
― Joleen

QTell us a little bit about yourself…
AAfter quitting my Fortune 500 retail career, my husband and I chased summer around the world just for fun. When our travel ended over two years later, I opted to invest my energy into nurturing a business that provided an ever-full, ever-exciting life… meaning more moments of happy. And passion. Big dreams. Bigger realities. And always reaching beyond that fear for the next wild ride. And, most importantly, helping big-dreamer clients do the same; together, I brand my clients’ businesses so they can live their dreams. In AND out of work.
Also the founder of ThisFem™. I promote equality in the community using high-quality apparel as a tool to share this mission, personally packing and shipping locally made and ethically sourced merch from my Minneapolis home. We think equality is a no-brainer and everyone can be a feminist!
And if you can’t tell, I love cheering for others… The Merry Hour® was co-founded with my business partner, Rachel, out of our deep need to connect with other doers. It’s my favorite space of gathering; the perfect night of real and raw, wine, headshots, great grub, love and support. We tease it’s better than happy hour. But that’s because it is!!
QWhat kind of asana (yoga postures) do you practice?
AI love a good power vinyasa, with a balanced blend of movement and stillness. I don’t love repeating the same sequence over and over (even 3–5 Sun A’s or Sun B’s feels boring to me after a bit), but I love sequences that build. A sucker for a super hot class, the sweatier the better for me :) And that sweet surrender in Pigeon is always my love-hate. I’m tight-hipped, so staying present and comfortable while also relaxing in stillness is the epitome of ‘practice’ for me!
QHow long have you been a yogi?
AOver 10 years. I started really getting into my practice in college when I took an extra-curricular yoga/pilates class. A natural extension for me once I stoped dancing in high school, connecting my mind + body with music felt good to pick up again.
QWhat role does yoga play in your life?
ASome days it’s solely a physical practice for me. Others, it’s more than just being in my physical form body. When I embarked on teacher training, I was craving a bit of guidance and purpose, something more spiritual. The core yogic principals I studied really resonated with me, and still do. I love that I can find my ‘mat’ anywhere, anytime. I’ve traveled extensively and have practiced on rugs and bathroom towels and comforters and in the sand. It’s always there for me when I need or want it, without judgement or expectation.
QDo you have a favorite pose?
ADepends on the day! Pigeon is nice when I’m feeling patient, because physically I always need it. I like playing with inversions because I’m not great at any one and the play time reminds me to check my ego and just enjoy.
QHave you ever had a “yoga moment”? Something that happened during practice that you didn’t expect? Made you laugh, brought you joy, made you cry?
AAlmost every class by the end I just feel so juicy and perfect that I almost always find myself rocking side to side. It’s like my body wants to enjoy the flow just a little longer. It’s probably super weird, but I just let it go and enjoy it.
QIs there a pose that used to be a “pillar pose” ― one that you were working toward ― that is now accessible to you?
ATripod was something I finally found accessible when I was practicing in India. It was such a special place to reach that goal. I even happened to film my first time getting up and balancing! Start scrolling through IG… it’s waaaaaaay back there ;)
QHow do you perceive the benefits of yoga? Do you think practicing yoga leads to greater happiness in life?
AYES. I have spurts of time when I need yoga a lot and others that I’m on a bit of a break (currently, I’m in pause mode). But simply knowing I can access yoga anytime I need or want really brings me peace of mind. It’s not going anywhere. There’s no fear of missing out or regret when I don’t make it to my mat. I can jump back in when I feel drawn to it. The lack of pressure is perfect for me.
QWhen you placed your order with Big Raven Yoga, what made you first choose Water, Wind, Fire and Earth?
AI loved how the mat flowed just like my practice. The colors, the pattern, everything about it just makes me want to get on it. Even when I’m ‘off’ yoga, I still roll it out. Sometimes I do card readings on it or just sit. Which, I suppose, is still a beautiful yoga practice!
QDo you have your eyes fixed on any other Big Raven designs? If so, which one(s) and why?
AI try to consume consciously and less, so I make my decisions and stick with it until newness is necessary. There are so many unique and special designs, but I’m so in love with mine (Water, Wind, Fire, and Earth) that I only have eyes for it!
QDo people ask you about your mat?
Thank you so much for your fantastic and thoughtful answers — and thank you so much for your fantastic and thoughtful businesses as well!
You can follow Sara on Instagram: