This is the 16th in our ongoing series highlighting our happy yogis. This week we’re profiling the incredible Gina Fink. I’ve been known to travel the streets of Minneapolis with a yoga mat sticking out of a shoulder bag or tucked tightly under my arm. I’ve also brought them with me to business meetings and networking events — honestly I bring them with me wherever I go. At a networking event for eCommerce businesses we got to talking to avid yogi and eCommerce business owner Gina Fink. This chance meeting and the conversation that ensued has been such a treasure for our business. Gina helped us get connected to the wonderful owners of The Whispering Cave in Wayzata who we have been so lucky to design three custom pieces for. Gina connected us to Jody Smith who was recently featured in this very blog. Gina did an unboxing video for Big Raven Yoga, she shared pictures of her yoga practices on her mat, she’s been the most amazing friend and supporter of our business. If you’re wondering why it took us 16 posts to get around to Gina… well we had good reason. Very… very… very soon we hope to be able to release Gina’s beautiful artwork on a Big Raven yoga mat with our very first “Mommy and Me” collection. Gina has designed a super sweet scene that crosses the dimensions for two mats. One for mommy and one for mommy’s mini-me. Gina is such a talented artist, inspiring parent, gracious friend, and beautiful soul It is our profound pleasure to shine a light on her brilliance!

QTell us a little bit about yourself…
AI’m a writer/illustrator/photographer who enjoys reading, gardening, cooking, and entertaining as well as any time spent in nature. Creating — in a variety of forms — is my passion. I’m also a mother of three wonderful children and have been married to my high-school sweetheart for 23 years.
QWhat kind of asanas do you practice?
AI enjoy all forms of yoga, but I’m an ashtangi at heart!
QHow long have you been a yogi?
AI started in February of 2015 and have been practicing regularly ever since. I currently practice 5 days/week at The Whispering Cave in Wayzata and LOVE it. (Note: We here at Big Raven Yoga are REALLY good friends of the Whispering Cave and have even designed a custom yoga mat for their studio!)
QWhat role does yoga play in your life?
AYoga IS life. It’s my time to go within and connect with my inner self. It also reminds me to appreciate my body for what it can do.
QDo you have a favorite pose?
AHmmm. Probably Trikonasana (Triangle) or Parivrtta Trikonasana (Revolved Triangle).
QHave you ever had a “yoga moment”, something that happened during practice that you didn’t expect? That made you laugh, brought you joy, made you cry?
ASo. Many. I’ve cried during practice many times, but the most joyful moment I can think of is the first time I floated into a headstand. I had been muscling my way into inversions previously. The lightness and effortlessness of floating up made me laugh out loud — and then fall out!
QIs there a pose that used to be a “pillar pose” — one that you were working toward — that is now accessible to you?
ABird of Paradise or Side Crow. I distinctly remember practicing Crow and Side Crow daily as I worked to perfect them. Now Side Crow is one of my more joyful poses. The best thing about yoga is that every pose, or the transition from one to another, is always evolving. There is always a new place to go.
QWhen you placed your order with Big Raven Yoga, what made you choose I. Love. This. Quote.?
A Hello! It’s AWEsome! Seriously, the quote just resonated with me. I knew it would add to my practice.
QDo you have your eyes fixed on any other Big Raven designs? If so, which one(s) and why?
AI’m looking at a few as gifts. Need to narrow it down!!!
QDo people ask you about your mat?
Thank you, Gina — we LOVE having you as an ally and advocate! You can find out more about Gina on Instagram and Facebook.

A preview of Gina’s “Mommy and Me” yoga mats!