This week we’re highlighting a whole passel of designs. A couple of weeks ago we were looking through our back catalog of yoga mat designs and noticed just how MANY of them featured or were named for the moon. A lot of this can be attributed to our most prolific designer, Karla, who loves being outdoors and laying on the beach under the night sky in her native Philippines, but I think it’s true that the moon seems to appeal to us yogis in general.

As a result, all of the designs we’re highlighting this week are associated with the moon in one form or another, even though they feature a myriad of different styles ranging from our retro-funky Fly Me to the Moon (designed by Hannah) and Peony Moonchild to the psychedelic swirls of Sapphire & Opal to the fun and purposeful Ragnar Chase the Moon. Twelve moon-centric yoga mat designs in all (so far). This got us to thinking a bit about how we currently organize and display our yoga mat collections on our website, and what an incredibly deep back catalog of designs we’ve created aaaand, well… let’s just say we’ve got something incredibly cool in store for you later this month!
Rather than trying to describe each of these designs and why we created them, we’ll just let you click through and peruse them at your leisure. If you see one (or more!) that you like, use the discount code MOONCHILD at checkout for $10 OFF your purchase through midnight this coming Sunday!