Freebie Friday! 03.15.2019

Nostalgia. Webster’s Dictionary defines “nostalgia” as…

(Wait, wait, wait. I’m gonna stop you right there. The Urban Dictionary defines “Webster’s Dictionary” as “The first two words of a speech given by a complete tool,” so let’s not start with that. Try again — Ed.)

The Nigerian poet Jenim Dibies defines “nostalgia” as “A feeling that lingers long after the taste is gone” (from her second collection of poetry, The Calligraphy of God). Incredibly, she started — and finished — all of the poems in this collection in a single day. (MUCH better — Ed.)

The yoga mat that most evokes nostalgia for us is our Mat of the Week: Sweet Floral Namaste. The soft pastel background, the old-fashioned, almost-scientific line drawings of the flowers, the faraway look in our girl’s eyes… these all make us think of an earlier, simpler time (and, judging by her expression, she’s thinking of an even earlier time than we are; sort of meta, when you think about it…)

Sweet Floral Namaste is a beautiful pastiche of scanned ephemera (from the huge trove of ephemera in my stash). We love the image on the screen, but when printed out on a full-sized 2'×6' yoga mat, the image is even lovelier and even more stunning. Check it out for yourself and see if you don’t agree!

(Bonus aside: Similar to the concept of “nostalgia” is the Portuguese and Brazilian word saudade, which has no direct translation into English. I find that whole idea really fascinating — like, how can another culture have a concept that we don’t even have a word for?)

(Bonus BONUS aside/tip-o-the-day: Beware the Ides of March!)


Quote: Nos•tal•gia (n): A feeling that lingers long after the taste is gone. Jenim DibiesDownload

Nos•tal•gia (n): “A feeling that lingers long after the taste is gone.” Jenim Dibies

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