Design Highlights
Design Highlight: Moon Mats
This week we’re highlighting a whole passel of designs. A couple of weeks ago we were looking through our back catalog of yoga mat designs and noticed just how MANY of them featured or were named for the moon. A lot of this can be attributed to our most prolific designer, Karla, who loves being outdoors and laying on the beach under the night sky in her native Philippines, but I think it’s true that the moon seems to appeal to us yogis in general. As a result, all of the designs we’re highlighting this week are associated with the...
Design Highlight: Capitol Peak and Kindness
This week we’re highlighting two designs by our second guest artist, Lisa Martin of Paint the Mountain. Lisa is a super-amazing Colorado-based painter and muralist. (We’ll have more on her tomorrow when we post our next Yogi Highlight!) Lisa first reached out to us in August in response to a small Google ad we ran regarding our ability to create custom yoga mats. Unlike our friends at places like Lululemon and Jade and Manduka, we have the flexibility to create mats in small, affordable batches with quick turnaround times. As I’ve discussed in the past, most yoga mats are made...
Design Highlight: Prayer, Praise and Pose
This week’s Design Highlight is a first for us, in that it’s our first overtly religious design (though some might consider our earlier Buddha design religious as well). As for myself, I was raised in the mild Minnesota Lutheran tradition but have found that I’m spiritual and believe that something is out there, but I’m not yet sure what. We welcome all religious points of view here at Big Raven, and we’ve found ideas of value in every major religion we’ve come across. Regardless of what you may personally believe, for example, I think we can all agree that the...
Design Highlight: Libra
Well, folks, we’re running a little behind. We’re trying to get this week’s Design Highlight out the door tonight because we’re highlighting our Libra yoga mat, and the Libra sign dominates the Zodiac calendar from September 23–October 22, a period which ends today. No real excuses, except to say that we’ve been busy! (We’d do the next Zodiac sign, Scorpio, but yesterday’s blog post was the Top 10 Poses for Libras, which is part of our nascent Top 10 Lists series, and we want to keep running with that, so we’ll save Scorpio for next month. Whew!) No fear, though,...
Design Highlight: Devon’s Heart
This week we’re highlighting a design that’s extremely special to us, because it’s both a memorial and a fundraiser for a local children’s hospital. The design Devon’s Heart was inspired by conversations with Kristine Jenson, who also happens to be this week’s yogi highlight. Devon was Kristine’s niece, and she was born with a rare heart defect called hypoplastic left heart syndrome (HLHS). As a result of this defect, Devon passed away soon after she turned 3. Kristine has been a champion and fundraiser for the cardiovascular program at the Children’s Hospitals of Minnesota ever since. Because this beautiful and...
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