This is the eleventh in our ongoing series celebrating our happy customers. This week we’re profiling Kate Homan, a yogi from Wisconsin. Kate is a long-time yogi and friend of Big Raven Yoga. Kate is a digital marketing strategist, wine aficionado and lover of the Art Deco style. She said the Big Raven Yoga mat she selected, The Path of Enlightenment, called to her in a way that reminded her of the beauty of the 1920’s. Kate has been an incredible cheerleader for what we do — even selecting a design for her grandmother and referring lots of friends. We are grateful to have Kate in our corner and it’s our delight to highlight her this week!

QTell us a little bit about yourself…
AI enjoy the simple things in life — I grew up in an Air Force family in a rural home. I’ve had the privilege to fly all over the country to visit family and friends and hope to one day travel abroad. When I’m not running all over for work — you’ll find me reading with a glass of wine, sitting on my deck with my labradors.
QWhat kind of asanas do you practice?
AI mainly practice Vinyasa or when I really need to feel connected Yin or Hatha
QHow long have you been a yogi?
A7 years.
QWhat role does yoga play in your life?
AMindfulness, strength, contentment
QDo you have a favorite pose?
AMust I choose only one? I love binding pigeon, bird of paradise and mermaid.
QHave you ever had a “yoga moment”, something that happened during practice that you didn’t expect? That made you laugh, brought you joy, made you cry?
AIn my practice I’ve only had very few instances where I was completely able to silence my mind and be in the moment. It was very euphoric.
QIs there a pose that used to be a “pillar pose” — one that you were working toward — that is now accessible to you?
A Bird of Paradise was difficult — it still is if I’m not focused and centered.
QWhen you placed your order with Big Raven Yoga, what made you choose Path of Enlightenment?
A I love the Art Deco style of the artwork and how the art subtly keeps me aligned.
QDo you have your eyes fixed on any other Big Raven designs? If so, which one(s) and why?
AWaxing Crescent Phases of the Moon, Behold the Summit, Sapphire & Opal
QDo people ask you about your mat?
AYes! I get many touches at my yoga classes… (The mat, not me — haha!)
Thank you SO much, Kate — I really appreciate you taking a few minutes to talk to all of us at Big Raven.
Kate owns Path of Enlightenment. You can see more photos of her and her mat on her Instagram and Facebook!