This week’s yogi highlight (our 27th!) is Jolene Anderson and we are thrilled to tell you a little bit more about this exceptional lover of travel and learning, cat enthusiast, and resilient survivor! I follow Jolene on social media and remember very well the day she posted a Dolly Parton meme that pays homage to our shared name! I can always count on Jolene to make me smile and to remind me to enjoy the daily things that make life grand. Here are just a few of the awesome things she posts: homemade pies, cute dogs, smart cats, exciting moments in sports (which I never understand or know anything about), mouth-watering recipes, pictures from her many travels and my favorite — pics of what she’s reading. From one Joleen to another I get “it’s a Jolene thing!” Thanks so much for being our highlight this week!

QTell us a little bit about yourself…
AI love learning and traveling. I am working on my bucket list of visiting every National Park! I also love my cats, who keep me on my toes. I love Yin and Restorative yoga. Bring on the props!
QHow long have you been a yogi?
AI had been doing yoga casually for a few years, but after my cancer diagnosis 4 years ago, I turned to yoga during my recovery. (I am cancer-free now!) It was amazing to find my yoga community.
QWhat role does yoga play in your life?
AI like mindfulness practice, and the reminder to be present and in the moment. I love the stretching, since I sit so much for my job. I also love saying hi to the regulars in class.
QDo you have a favorite pose?
AThere are so many I like! I love Banana, Legs Up the Wall, Butterfly, and Frog pose.
QIs there a pose that used to be a “pillar pose” ― one that you were working toward ― that is now accessible to you?
AWell, I really dislike Pigeon pose, but I challenge myself each time we do it in class.
QHow do you perceive the benefits of yoga? Do you think practicing yoga leads to greater happiness in life?
AI think the benefits of yoga are different for each individual, which I love. I think you get what you give, so you can come to the mat in an authentic place and do what you can knowing it will all benefit you.
QWhen you placed your order with Big Raven Yoga, what made you first choose Yoga Retreat in Costa Rica?
AI was looking for something with water, and Joleen helpfully pointed out my amazing mat!
QDo you have your eyes fixed on any other Big Raven designs? If so, which one(s) and why?
AI am looking at the mat with my Zodiac sign.
QDo people ask you about your mat?
AYes, all the time. I get so many compliments! People love it!
QIs there anything else that you’d like us to know that we might have missed?
AYoga is for everyone, and I am so glad I gave it a try. I would be a lot less happy and flexible, without yoga!

Awww… thanks, Jolene — your beauty is beyond compare! You’re amazing!
(You can follow Jolene on Facebook and Instagram!)