

Five Survival Tips for the Back-to-School Season

Unless you live your life off-the-grid, far away from modern society and out of wi-fi range (and if you do… how are you reading this blog right now??), you know that school is back in session. You can probably feel it, too. Maybe you’ve been downloading supply lists for your kids, or reviewing syllabi for your own classes. You might be checking your budget for back to school clothes, filling out a FAFSA, or trying to narrow down extracurricular activities. Or maybe it’s 1:30 in the morning right now, and you’re huddled over a stack of old photo albums, tearfully...

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Ten Simple Ways to Practice Self-Care

I don’t know about you, but I am S-T-R-E-S-S-E-D. I’m swamped at work, my home is a mess, and all of my friends and their kids keep having birthdays, so I’ve spent significantly more time around clowns than I ever thought possible. But of course, whenever my schedule gets too full to handle, the very first thing to get removed is anything related to my own self-care. When so many other things need to get done, taking time for yourself feels kind of selfish, right? Well friend, I’ve gotta tell you something, and I want you to say it with...

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Yoga to Ease Your Anxiety

We’ve all felt anxious at one point or another; it’s part of being human. Just because it’s normal though, doesn’t mean we should have to live with persistent anxiety. That’s just plain unhealthy. Small amounts of stress can be motivational, but when your anxiety feels inescapable, there’s a problem. To help counteract that stress we’ve put together an infographic of our favorite yoga poses for alleviating your anxiety. Check them out below! Download>(If your browser doesn't download the image, simply right-click to save or drag it to your desktop!) Legs Up the Wall Elevating your legs above your heart helps...

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Freebie Friday! 08.17

We’re wrapping up another week with our latest Freebie Friday! This week we’re highlighting a quote from the magical author of the “Harry Potter” series, J.K. Rowling. Download our art using the link below and share it with your friends! ~Namaste Download>(If your browser doesn't download the image, simply right-click to save or drag it to your desktop!)

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Hot Yoga Heats up Yogis… and Bacteria?

Don’t call us crazy! We actually prefer to practice yoga when the thermostat is cranked high. Sure, it’s a little (okay, extremely) sweaty, but the heat helps our muscles extend farther, loosen our joints and mute our racing thoughts. Better yet, everyone else is just as sweaty, so no need to feel self-conscious about sweat stains. But don’t get us wrong… hot yoga definitely isn’t for the faint of heart. With temperatures exceeding 100° Fahrenheit and humidity nice and high, these studios are sweat sanctuaries. After finishing a particularly intense sesh (which was no doubt extremely liberating and relaxing) you’re...

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