Sometimes the Internet annoys me.
Which is a really dramatic statement for a woman who owns and operates online businesses.
But you know what I mean, right?
Depending on my feed and surfing habits the Internet sometimes brings frustration, or comparison syndrome, or a touch of melancholy.
But other times (like the example I’m about to share) something happens where I’m reminded to remove my veil of skepticism and look for the wonderful, the blessing, the big OMG YES.

The Internet recently helped me connect with an awesome human and I feel changed.
We found each other through Instagram (actually, through the Instagram account of one of our guest artists, Rachel Pohl) and OMG, of course, let’s collaborate = Joleen + Nicole BFF4EVAH!
Nicole Labonte — as an artist, incredible.
Nicole Labonte — as a human, OMG!
Nicole Labonte — as a friend, OMG!!!! The laughter and connection — I’m blessed!

Long story short, Nicole is now a new Guest Artist at Big Raven Yoga and we are excited and thrilled to have her. Her artistry is unique and comes from a very specific point of view — it’s magical and we’re sure you’ll love it as much as we do.
As an illustrator, Nicole communicates her internal driving force — a connection between the earth and those of us who inhabit it. Thousands of Instagram followers and several thousand Etsy customers would agree, Nicole’s art is engaging — once you start looking at it, you don’t want to look away. Her art is whimsical in a way that engages your imagination and her art is as symbolic as it is cathartic — at a glance you’ll feel something. You’ll feel connected to the outside world in a way you probably were not expecting.
This sushi-loving artist makes the world a better place through her compassion for others, her love of nature, and her generous and kind soul.
Nicole is an amazing listener. She engages in conversation in such a way that you feel like the most important object of her attention. She is present, thoughtful, witty, and so beautifully charming (and charmingly beautiful). Nicole is a people magnet — she has an energy and spark that it’s easy to be drawn to.
Here are 25 more things showing how cool Nicole is:
- Nicole is a home-schooling mom of two beautiful/amazing/brilliant kids.
- Together with her husband and kids they are a traveling family.
- They have a “little” house in Maine.
- They are getting ready for their summer adventure where they pack up and go where the road takes them.
- Everyone in her family has a job at Wildslice.
- Nicole started dabbling in art when her sister suggested she paint.
- Painting led to drawing and she’s been at it for 10 years.
- Nicole loves to draw what she sees outside.
- She hopes her art inspires people to get outdoors and appreciate what’s there.
- Nicole has been known to set up a lawn chair on the snow-covered ground and collect sunshine on her face. (You’re not alone friend — we are right there with you!)
- Nicole loves hot yoga, ashtanga yoga, and energy/chakra work and healing.
- Her celebrity crush is Nick Carter of the Backstreet Boys. (I told you she was awesome.)
- Her favorite family activity is paddle boarding.
- Her favorite personal art piece is ShinyinRoku. (See above!)
- Nicole loves organizing .
- She says things like “the emptier my house is the better I feel”.
- Nicole practices non-attachment to possessions — friends and family often ask for her help simplifying their “stuff”.
- Her favorite Marvel character is Wolverine . (Yet another reason to love her.)
- Nicole’s family describes her as silly, sensitive & determined.
- She describes herself as sensitive, crazy, & intuitive.
- Nicole’s favorite-favorite food is a spicy tuna roll, light on the wasabi.
- Nicole loves strong coffee with oat milk.
- Her favorite book is Mutant Message Down Under. (It’s about a woman who goes on walkabout in Australia.) Nicole describes her experience with this book as “super-emotional it touches me the way it’s supposed to.”
- Nicole tries to show her belief that we are all connected — all of us are connected to each other and to the earth.
- Nicole’s sweet tooth is just like mine… chocolate & peanut butter… like I said, BFF4EVAH!

Be sure to check out Nicole’s designs featured in our Guest Artist collection.
You can see more of Nicole's work by following her on Instagram or visiting her Etsy store.