

Freebie Friday! 03.15.2019

Nostalgia. Webster’s Dictionary defines “nostalgia” as… (Wait, wait, wait. I’m gonna stop you right there. The Urban Dictionary defines “Webster’s Dictionary” as “The first two words of a speech given by a complete tool,” so let’s not start with that. Try again — Ed.) The Nigerian poet Jenim Dibies defines “nostalgia” as “A feeling that lingers long after the taste is gone” (from her second collection of poetry, The Calligraphy of God). Incredibly, she started — and finished — all of the poems in this collection in a single day. (MUCH better — Ed.) The yoga mat that most evokes nostalgia for us is...

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Freebie Friday! 03.08.2019

Aaaaand we’re back! That’s right, Freebie Friday is BACK, baby, rested and refreshed and better than ever! (Did you even realize we were gone? *sniff*) Today, March 8, is International Women’s Day, so let’s celebrate with a quote from one of OUR favorite feminist icons, Susan B. Anthony. (Not to be confused with Susan A. Anthony or Susan C. Anthony. Why is she always Susan B. Anthony? Were there that many other Susan Anthonys in the suffrage movement that it was causing confusion? These are some of the things we wonder about while running yoga mats through our printers. It’s...

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$100+ for a Yoga Mat?!

Here We Explain Our Pricing I'd like to explain why our mats cost what they do AND why you still need one even at that price… Our CEO, Joleen, on our Frida Kahlo She Brings It to the Canvas yoga mat and our 112-year-old maple floors… Unlike our competitors, we don’t crank out generic yoga mats by the thousands (or tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands). We’re a small, family-run business and we print each mat individually to order — custom made exclusively for you. We simply don’t have the same economies of scale as big- yoga brands or big-box retailers and,...

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Our Origin Story…

Hi there. My name is Joleen Emery, and I’m the founder and CEO of Big Raven Yoga. A lot of people have been asking me how Big Raven Yoga came to be — what our "origin story” is, if you will. So here's our story... The first thing to know about me is that I. Am. A Yogi. And I have been for 18 years, both as a practitioner and as a teacher. My life is built around my yoga mat. It’s the foundation of my life. No matter what else is going on — work, travel, family — I eke out time...

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As Seen In… Minnesota Monthly Magazine!

On newsstands now — the current issue of Minnesota Monthly magazine, featuring Big Raven Yoga mats in the article Eight Things for a Better 2019. Treat yo' self! A better yoga mat should obviously be on this list, but so should these other 7 things… A better glow from Worker B A better planner from Russel + Hazel A better man kit from Duke Cannon Supply Company A better jewelry piece from Naptime Aromatherapy Co. A better watch from the Padron Watch Co. A better date-night ’do from the Glitter Gang A better TLC spot from the 612 Sauna Society, the Salt...

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