This week’s design highlight is one of our three new designs for July 2019: Born In the Moonlight.

It’s another in our often-used sun/moon/stars theme. We have so many of these because one of our designers, Karla, spends every moment she can outdoors, under the sky, camping, surfing, cooking out on the beach, and the night sky is her muse. The description for this mat, on the other hand, was written by our very talented Bri Traquair, who’s probably the most slyly hilarious member of our team:
If you believe in old superstitions, you might think that being “Born in the Moonlight” is bad luck. But the people who came up with that also thought that heroin was an appropriate medicine for a child with a cough… so I wouldn’t trust them.
It was likely an excuse to explain someone’s odd behavior, which in those days could have been anything from a person singing by themselves to a woman wearing pants. These days, we show off what makes us different and enjoy the feeling of standing out from a crowd, because we know those things are just a part of what makes us who we are. And who we are is pretty damn awesome.
So be weird, my friend. Embrace the moonlight you were born in. (And wear as many pants as you want to.)
It all goes back to the original meaning of the word lunatic, in which people were thought to be affected by disorders of the mind caused by the lunar cycle. Believe it or not, the word “lunatic” wasn’t removed from federal U.S. law until 2012(!), although I hope that everyone agreed long before that it wasn’t actually the moon that caused, well, lunacy, and that its removal was merely a formality. (We all know it’s due to an influx of imps, NOT the moon. Thanks, science!)

That said, I know a LOT of nurses who swear that the lunar effect is real: by their accounts, the nights in the ER around the full moon tend to be the nuttiest, so draw your own conclusions.
Celebrate and embrace being “born in the moonlight” by taking $10 off Born In the Moonlight this week only using the promo code LOCOPANTS. Remember, this mat disappears with the new moon on July 31st at 10:12 PM, just like the rest of our July collection!